Saturday, August 31, 2019

African American Oral Tradition Essay

Modern African American Literature was formed under a stressful time for Africans, slavery. The only way the stories of the indigenous people of Africa were passed down was through oral recollections, or stories of the events. In America this was especially difficult for the slaves because of laws preventing them from learning English. By not being allowed to learn English, the slaves had to learn English solely on auditory purposes. This essentially made the slaves illiterate. When the slaves transferred the language that they heard to paper, a new style of language was formed which was referred to as dialect. Dialect is what the slaves thought they heard and the correct spelling of those words, not standard English. Dunbar, who wrote fluently in both standard English and dialect was praised by white critics only for his dialect poems, and not praised for his poems in standard English. His literacy works are still alive today, however the dialect works were attached with a stigma. Usually whites despised the African’s dialect. Therefore, the slaves would not try to publish any type of work with dialect because the slaves did not want to be associated with the stigma. In all, by creating a unique dialect gave the slaves a bilingual type of style. By not being able to write, slaves also made Genres such as, spiritual, folk songs and gospels. Songs such as these were ways of passing down stories to the next generation. These songs also contained secret messages. These messages may have contained information about escape routes or even the underground- railroad. However most of the songs were spiritual in nature. The songs also progressed through the years. The originals slave folk songs, spirituals, and gospels are now prevalent in modern day jazz and the blues. Martin even gives the example of Hayden, who mixes his song ideas with the ideas of Bessie Smith. Even though African are allowed to read and write, this is a form how their culture is still expressed today. Martin made the emphasis that the oral tradition is part of the African Americans distinct culture.

Biology Lecture Notes – Characteristics of Living Things

Studying Life Characteristics of Living Things What are some characteristics of living things? No single characteristic is enough to describe a living thing. Some nonliving things share one or more traits with living things. Living things share the following characteristics: made up of units called cells reproduce based on a universal genetic code grow and develop obtain and use materials and energy respond to their environment maintain a stable internal environment change over time Characteristics of Living Things Living things are made up of cells. A cell is the smallest unit of an organism that can be considered alive. Characteristics of Living Things Living things reproduce. In sexual reproduction, cells from two different parents unite to form the first cell of the new organism. In asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to itself. Characteristics of Living Things Living things grow and develop. During an organism’s development, cells differentiate, which means that the cells look different from one another and perform different functions. Characteristics of Living Things Living things are based on a universal genetic code. Organisms store the information they need to live, grow, and reproduce in a genetic code in a molecule called DNA. Characteristics of Living Things Living things obtain materials and use energy. The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials is called metabolism. Characteristics of Living Things Living things respond to their environment. A stimulus is a signal to which an organism responds. Characteristics of Living Things Living things maintain a stable internal environment. Although conditions outside an organism may change, conditions inside an organism tend to remain constant. This process is called homeostasis. Characteristics of Living Things Taken as a group, livings things change over time. Over many generations, groups of organisms typically evolve. Big Ideas in Biology Science as a Way of Knowing Science is not just a list of â€Å"facts. † The job of science is to use observations, questions, and experiments to explain the natural world. Interdependence in Nature All forms of life on Earth are connected together into a biosphere, which literally means â€Å"living planet. The relationship between organisms and their environment depends on both the flow of energy and the cycling of matter. Matter and Energy Life’s most basic requirements are matter that serves as nutrients to build body structure and energy to fuel the processes of life. Cellular Basis of Life Organisms are composed of one or more cells, which are the smallest uni ts that can be considered fully alive. Information and Heredity Life’s processes are directed by information carried in a genetic code that is common, with minor variations, to every organism on Earth. That information, carried in DNA, is copied and passed from parents to offspring. Unity and Diversity of Life All living things are fundamentally alike at the molecular level, even though life takes an almost unbelievable variety of forms Evolution In biology, evolution, or the change in living things through time, explains inherited similarities as well as the diversity of life. Structure and Function Structures evolve in ways that make particular functions possible, allowing organisms to adapt to a wide range of environments. Homeostasis An organism’s ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment in the face of changing external conditions is vital to its survival. Science, Technology, and Society Science seeks to provide useful information, but only a public that truly understands science and how it works can determine how that information should be applied. Branches of Biology There a many branches of biology. For example: Zoologists study animals. Botanists study plants. Paleontologists study ancient life. The job of science is to use observations, questions, and How can life be tudied at different levels? Branches of Biology Some of the levels at which life can be studied include: molecules cells organisms populations of a single kind of organism communities of different organisms in an area the biosphere Biosphere The part of Earth that contains all ecosystems Branches of Biology Ecosystem Community and its nonliving surroundings Branches of Biology Community Populations that live together in a defined area Population Group of organisms of one type that live in the same area Organism Individual living thing Groups of Cells Tissues, organs, and organ systems Cells Smallest functional unit of life Molecules Groups of atoms; smallest unit of most chemical compounds At all these levels, smaller living systems are found within larger systems. Biology in Everyday Life More than any other area of study, biology touches your life every day. Biology provides information about the food you need and the methods for sustaining the world’s food supplies. Biology describes the conditions of good health and the behaviors and diseases that can harm you. Biology is used to diagnose and treat medical problems. Biology identifies environmental factors that might threaten you. Biology in Everyday Life Biology helps you understand what effects the quality of your life. Biology provides decision makers with useful information and analytical skills needed to predict and effect the future of the planet. Quiz 1-3 An increase in size is known as growth. metabolism. development. differentiation. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things? use of energy made of cells stable internal environment need for oxygen Which of the following are branches in the study of biology? ells, tissues, organs, and organisms botany, cell biology, ecology, and zoology populations, communities, and ecosystems the genetic code, evolution, and the biosphere The genetic code is carried in Water. DNA. proteins. soil. Which of the following shows the levels of organization in correct order from the simplest to the most complex? organisms, cells, populations, molecules, ecosystems ecosystems, populati ons, organisms, cells, molecules molecules, cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems molecules, organisms, cells, populations, ecosystems

Friday, August 30, 2019

HUman CApital Management Essay

However, only since two decades ago, he whole culture of human resource management changed drastically due to extensive influence of internet, wireless connection and Steve Job. This paradigm shift of HRM was mooted by most of the present Fortune 500 companies such as Apple, Google and Bloomberg. These companies which was formed about two decades ago changed the landmark of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Department changed role from hiring and administrating workforce for the company to engaging and managing talent and human capital to add value to the organization’s performance and success. The trend was established that human apital or the people of the organization are the core which shall be well capitalised requirement changed drastically. One of it is the performance management of this human capital. This literature analysed on what are the problem faced in measuring performance management or appraisal of staffs, the factors prompting organization to reconsider or overhaul their performance management system and on how organization could improve the performance management system to suit current SHRM environment which the workforce demands. The problems with the appraisal system were found to be standard of performance measurement, more Judgemental n appraising, poor skills of appraiser and the frequency of performance appraisal. These shortcomings are due to the evolving nature of business environment which are caused by globalization, new approach of people management, knowledge economy, generational expectations, technology advancement etc. Discussion to improve performance appraisal leads to aspect of new philosophy of HRM, improved appraisal model, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), and defined roles of managers.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Globalization - Good or Bad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Globalization - Good or Bad - Essay Example In terms of International Trade, the author has described globalization as the platform that sets a level playground for both rich and poor countries. The author has also affirmed the less developed country can only improve their situation through the assistance of World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. I agree to a greater extent the assertions of the author except at some few issues which I total disagree. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have been described by the author as the pillars of global governance systems. The author overlooked the power of sovereignty of states, democracy, and the international justice system. The claim that developing countries can only improve their situation through these two global financial institutions is not accurate. Wallerstein (2004) pointed out that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is ‘training’ poor countries to depend on them. Developing countries have difficulties servicing the loans they receive from these organizations. They find themselves overburdened by the huge interest rates and end up borrowing again from other sources including internal sources. This creates a scenario similar to the one of digging a hole to bury another hole. The problem still remains. In this regard, I view the two institutions as contributing to the slow growth of developing economies and not as the sole path to their economic prosperity. Multinational companies in developing countries have been highlighted as better paying compared to the local firms and that foreign firms are not really oppressing their workers. Hurst (2008) claim that multinational companies are one of the social oppressions in less developed and poor countries. They offer jobs to locals at a higher wage than local firms, but this should not justify the poor, working conditions, job insecurity, or the prolonged hours of work often witnessed especially in the manufacturing industry. The author claims that if the w orkers were not happy with these companies then they would leave. Hurst (2008) explains that is huge labor force in developing countries and very few job opportunities which leaves many workers to ‘persevere’ where they are. The reason, therefore, why these workers continue working for the foreign firms is not because they are happy but rather because they have nowhere else to look for a livelihood. On the issue of foreign companies being nothing compared to the government, and not being able to raise an army or taxes, the author failed to put into perspective that, at times, some senior government officials usually have personal interests in these companies. Revesz (1997) stated that when it comes to crisis where multinational firms are being accused of various reasons, ‘the states cannot be trusted’ in the way the matter is handled. He observed that despite huge negative publicity and accusations from both the media and the public, the government remains silent and waits for the ‘tide to settle’. The international trading system has been implied by the author as unbiased against developing countries. This may be true as far as international trade laws and regulations are concerned. But, on the other hand, according to Wallerstein (2004), there is a more serious issue of trade imbalance whereby developed countries have an upper hand due to their economic strength advantage, superior

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Santander Bank Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Santander Bank - Assignment Example Its main competitors are the Barclays bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and Standard Chartered Bank. Santander bank, however, stands out from the rest of the institutions as it offers savings accounts that are cost-effective and reliable to the customers. All these have both short term and long term benefits to the customers. This unique feature has made it have a wider market base that has, in turn, improved its profitability. Santander bank’s current business environment in the financial sector makes it suitable for my placement purposes. Being a business student, I believe that I will gain immensely from the practical experience that I will obtain from this bank. The experience will prepare me adequately in the business world in which I will be required to compete favorably with my competitors. Santander bank being such a successful bank I believe that I will be able to gather excellent lessons that I will make use of in the future. Santander Bank’s Business Activities Sa ntander bank offers banking and financial services to its customers. The services are broadly divided into two, which is, business and personal banking. Its target customer market comprises large business enterprises and individual investors. Some of the business segments of the bank are as follows: retail banking, asset management, global wholesale banking and insurance (Guillen & Tschoegl, 2008). The bank also takes part in the run-off real estate business of Spain in which it advances loans to its Spanish customers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The law of international commerce is subject to increasing Essay

The law of international commerce is subject to increasing harmonization - Essay Example One can trace the establishment of trade fairs, from the Frankfurt Book Fair to the Antwerp Cloth Fair, to the 1200’s to 1400’s, at which time producers and buyers would meet on a regular basis to exchange goods for currency or promissory notes. This safe passage was ensured by the increasing influence of kings and rulers, who were able to tame warring factions and create a system of tolls, laws and enforcement which did not exist during the Dark Ages. Although it was expensive to take a trade route (the Rhine, for example, had over 40 toll stations), the benefit of security outweighed the cost for those who had high-value goods and ready markets in other areas. Trade posed some specific problems which required harmonisation relatively early on. A couple of examples will suffice to explain how these problems arose, and how they were solved. If a trader, for example, were to go to the Frankfurt Book Fair in the Spring of 1450, he might want to find books for his patrons and residents of his home area (say, Tuscany and the de Medici’s). The trader, fearing the dangers of robbery on the roads, or perhaps just lacking the resources, does not take gold with him on the long, arduous journey from Tuscany to Frankfurt. Rather, he brings along letters of introduction from his patrons. In some cases, if the trader was rich enough or well-known, he could trade ‘on his reputation.’ In either case, when he arrived at the Book Fair, he brought documents with him. If our Tuscan trader visits a stall of, say, a Stuttgart bookmaker and decides to buy a few of his books, the bookmaker would like to be paid. Since the trader didn’t have gold or silver with him, he offered to pay the bookmaker with a promissory note. This method of payment led to a series of questions: (1) how do I (the Stuttgart bookmaker) know that this person is who he says he is? And (2) what

Monday, August 26, 2019

Corporate social responsibility focusing on Starbucks Essay

Corporate social responsibility focusing on Starbucks - Essay Example Starbucks is involved in many CSR initiatives ranging from philanthropy to service projects. The company is keen on enhancing ethical sourcing programs and environmental concerns. The organization has various NGOs and CSR programs which follow different ethical and social standards. In order to successfully achieve this, the company has developed an effective communication strategy that fits the needs of the various stakeholders. Organizations are increasingly being pressured by their environment to become social citizens while still being profitable. Rather than being a differentiation strategy, acting ethical and social responsibility has become an expectation. Organizations have to achieve legitimacy through responding to the expectations of the community. The company uses both online and multimedia communication features to address the expectations of the stakeholders. The company has suffered from stakeholder skeptism (Forehand and Grier, 2003). The company was accused of being unrealistic and extremely philanthropic. In order for the stakeholders to develop confidence, the company has increased transparency and decreased the chances of miss communication. The company ensures that there are no self-beneficial motives when carrying out the social responsibility and ethics program. In doing this, the company has stressed the need for engaging in the social issues that counter the skeptics from the stakeholders. Ethical/social issues targeting stakeholders Starbucks is sentient that its stakeholders have diverse prospects and requirements (Morsing and Schultz, 2006). The company has explicitly tailored its CSR program to meet these needs. Starbucks is using transparency and philanthropy to target the stakeholders. This includes supporting coffee farmers in Mexico and Ethiopia. The company has developed programs that emphasize on the long-term commitment to the CRS and ethics initiatives (Forehand and Grier, 2003). The shareholders of the leading organizations have been consistent in their shift from maximizing profits to increasing value. Companies have to balance people, planet and profit in a globalised market (Schwartz and Carroll, 2003). More power relies on the stakeholders to demand increased transparency and organizational communication. The stakeholders expect the companies to document and acknowledge their impact in the environment (Saksson and Jorgensen, 2010). The organizational ethical behaviors have come under sharp focus (Forehand and Grier, 2003). CRS is perceived to be a morally and ethically correct approach in which all the shareholders stand to gain. The modern corporations have a major part of their assets being the intangible parts i.e. the reputation, goodwill and human capita (Morsing and Schultz, 2006). Therefore, CSR approaches are significant for the achievement and legitimization of any successful corporation. Stakeholders perceive an organization based on the reputation and goodwill the company enjoys (Schwar tz and Carroll, 2003). For CSR initiatives in Starbucks to be successful, the corporate communication tools must be interpreted in the right ways (Forehand and Grier, 2003). The process of establishing and maintain the mutual relations between the public and an organization is crucial (Morsing and Schultz, 2006). Many organizations are facing a dilemma on how to handle stakeholders (Preble, 2005). Organizations have to achieve maximum profits and at the same time meet the demands of the stakeholders (Saksson and Jorgensen, 2010). The company has stressed on both economic and ethical motives while executing the CSR program. Analysis on multiple factors The ethical motives are salient and are emphasized through ethical organizations (Preble, 2005). Starbucks has to meet certain standards in its value chain. The strategic team of the company acknowledges that having a bad reputation has negative implications to the stakeholders

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Buy American Act for Government contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buy American Act for Government contracts - Essay Example Particular materials under regulations include â€Å"iron, steel, and manufactured goods† (Zirkelbach, 2009, p. 7). The regulations only allows for use of non domestic materials if either the materials are not â€Å"produced in America† in the required quantity or quality, application of domestic materials will be up to at least twenty five percent more expensive and if application of domestic products will contravene public interest. Any waiver on the mentioned grounds must however be reported in writing. BAA regulations however exempt some countries, countries with trade ties to the United States. These countries enjoy the benefits as though their products were manufactured in the United States. The Buy America act rules have further put more restriction over allowance on construction materials that are products of ‘non-domestic’ raw materials. The raw materials, under BAA, must be at least fifty percent domestic (Zirkelbach, 2009). The provisions of Buy American Requirements are unfair to other countries whose materials are restricted from being used in constructing the United States’ public facilities. The act discriminates against these countries and their enterprises. The regulations specifically undermines developing countries, and their enterprises, that might not be in a position to produce the materials in large quantities, as large as could not be produced by the United States domestic market (Lipsey and Chrystal, 2007). A free market economy is identified by influence of buyers and sellers only, as opposed to government imposed regulatory measures for controlling the economy. Application of the Buy American requirements act, together with its aim of facilitating the ARRA’s goals of strengthening the United States’ economy therefore contradicts the the spirit of capitalism. Policies for a capitalistic economy would for example be aimed at liberating regulations that limits

Saturday, August 24, 2019


EMPLOYABILITY AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - PowerPoint Presentation Example ime tested advice, advice that have been rediscovered over a period of time often has a good deal of practical value (Hutchings, Sue, &Judy 2002, pg 189). Therefore, I think that this also applies to ways of improving social skill and building solid social network in the future. In summary, this paper will discuss on how to improve social skill and to build solid social network in the future. Improving social skill is significant because it builds a confidence interacting with people as well as, developing strong communication skills that would increase the chance for successful relationships, hence building a solid social network in the future. Social skills can be improved through good communication skills. It is evident that people are not born with good communication skills like any other trial; however, it is learned through error, trials and repeated practice. Presently, social skills have become an integral part of functioning both in communities and organizations. Therefore, displaying good manners, communicating effectively with others and expressing personal needs are all essential components of solid social skills. There are various ways in which social skills can be improved. These include being smart small. For instance, if talking to a crowd of people is a scary proposition, one can start small. This means that, one does not necessarily need to start out by having a long and a meaningful conversation with others, but he/she can simply share a smile with someone. Starting small is significant in increasing a persons’ confidence. The other way of improving social skills is through use and practice. Social skills may be practiced, however, people with anxiety may find this to be a scary prospect. In spite of all these, the good news is that any type of social interaction can help a person to develop his/her skills, which will help them in building a solid social network even in the future. The other way to improve social skills is through observing

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Moral Implications of Oretga and Gasset's Account of Barbarism Essay

The Moral Implications of Oretga and Gasset's Account of Barbarism - Essay Example For example, missionaries of humanity civilize savage race by using sword and fire because there is no other method than violence to transform the savage people from their way of life. After applying these violent methods, principles of civilization gradually develops and creates various forms of a human being’s spiritual manifestation that are called philosophy, religion, art and science and other forms of social life that enable an individual to enjoy freedom, security, leisure and self manifestation in greater spheres of activity. Thus barbarism transforms itself into civilization. As mentioned earlier, civilization is the beginning of all principles and ideas and all the knowledge for this transformation comes from the ideas preserved during the previous civilization. However, simultaneous to the beginning of civilization destruction and violence also arises and as a result, barbarism grows along with civilization. The parallel growth of barbarism side by side with the civ ilization can be easily traced in our society. In ancient times, the savage used to kill his enemy and in the cultured times, man has a wide range of technical devices, explosives, aero planes, poisonous gas and submarines to get rid of the enemy. These sophisticated weapons are the modern forms of the club and they are different only in the power and action. These are the civilized means of destruction and this cultured method and means of violence is the culture of barbarism (Ouspensky p.39). Barbarism thus exists in our society in the form of violence to gain control over another state, religion, morals and ideas and in the every other factor imaginable. The basic ambition of a modern society, its interests and tastes comprises of barbaric traits. The passion for competition, gambling, sport and the idea to influence, and behaviors like fear, panic and suspicion are features of barbarism. These features flourish in our daily life through technical culture by means of telegraph, q uick means of communication, wireless telegraphy and the like. Culture has established a differentiation between itself and barbarism. The manifestation of barbarism in the society is called crime. Prevailing criminology is insufficient to separate barbarism because crime is an infringement of law and law are usually a manifestation of violence and barbarism. Though the culture of civilization and barbarism develops simultaneously these two factors cannot sustain in the society indefinitely. A moment inevitably arrives when barbarism stops the development of civilization, and swiftly or gradually, completely destroys civilization (Ouspensky p.40) Why is philosophical barbarism important to the reader? The difference between barbarism and non barbarism is. Ortega y Gasset implicates that the people in modern society has the right to change and impose law directly. The common man has freedom to proclaim the rights and impose them wherever necessary. This indirectly means that common m an can control the process of civilization even if there is no progress in it. It is indeed extremely complex to preserve the current civilization that requires incalculably subtle powers. Even if a person is unfit to change the civilization, the common man has learned to utilize the advantages of the machinery built by the civilization by ignoring the principles of the civilization. The command of leaders over the public even though they are intellectually vulgar is not acceptable to culture because

Surviving a Patrol Strike Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Surviving a Patrol Strike - Case Study Example However, linear regression requires that one of the two variables be fixed, which is possible in the current scenario. The yellow line (for fines) is fairly easy to deal with. If we eliminate the artificial blip of Christmas week and strike the clear outlier (Week 8) from the data, a trend appears. Smoothing would eliminate the faster spike right before Christmas, as well as the blip for the week when there were no fines, because of no enforcement. Over time, the car-park's traffic appears to be continuing to rise, even figuring in the seasonal effects of the Christmas shopping rush. This increase is leading to significantly higher revenues for parking fees in the weeks leading up to Christmas. However, both the higher changes in the weeks before Christmas and the lower results after Christmas do not suggest a business in trouble: instead they suggest a business that is in a highly competitive industry, City Centre Car-Park's market share appears to be growing, even if we smooth out the increases associated with the larger number of Christmastime shoppers. As will happen occasionally in the labor market, the staff who are responsible for operating the car park have threatened to walk off the job after week 23. Because this staff is responsible for making sure the self-pay machines are locked and for patrolling the lot and issuing fines, this could have a significant effect on the car-park's revenues. While it is likely that people would still pay the machines, the question of enforcement and collection would be a sticky one. It is possible to use time-series analysis to figure out the approximate effect of such a walkout on the revenues of the car-park. The fundamental assumption of time series analysis is that the data being considered contain a systematic pattern, interrupted by error, or random noise, which can make the pattern difficult to find. Successful time-series analysis takes the random noise out of the situation as much as possible. The majority of time-series patterns consist of one of two basic types: trend and seasonality. Trend refers to a linear or nonlinear component that undergoes change over time and does not repeat within the time utilized by the model. Seasonality is a smaller version of trend, because it represents a cycle that repeats itself within the time utilized by the model. A set of data may contain both trend of seasonality. A common example would be retail sales, which may grow from year to year but may also be easily predicted to spike around the Christmas season within each year (Time Series Analysis 2002). While there is no established or proven way to find trend components within a set of time-series data, trends are fairly simple to identify, as long as they consistently move in one direction or another. When a set of data is considered to contain a significant amount of error, though, the first step is to try a process called "smoothing." This consists of averaging data within the set with the goal of canceling out the individual data that do not fit within the existing system. The most common way that smoothing occurs involves moving average smoothing. In this technique, each item of data in a series is replaced by the simple or weighted average of n surrounding pieces of data, where n is defined as the width of the "window" used for

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gun Control Persuasive Paper Essay Example for Free

Gun Control Persuasive Paper Essay A gun control law is any law that restricts the use, purchase, or possession of any firearms (Conservapedia). These laws are implemented to reduce the use of firearms to authorized members of a state’s government. Each state in America has its own laws regarding gun control; however, among all, California has the strongest laws, scoring 81 out of a 100 (O’Mara). Gun control laws are necessary in a state because they decrease violence, increase government’s protection in the state, and decrease the lethalness of other crimes. Gun control laws can reduce violence and crime. In the United States, 67% of crimes in 2010 were committed with firearms (Rogers, 2007). This means that majority of crimes committed in America had guns and other firearms involved. If firearms are prohibited in the state, then in theory, crime rates will go down by 67%. Guns have the ability to take someone’s life. Having that said, disallowing the use of guns can not only decrease crime rates, but lower causalities as well. Ozanne-Smith et al (2004) arrived at a similar conclusion in a study conducted in Victoria, Australia after examining the trend in the firearm-related deaths in the context of strong legislative reform. They found the following: â€Å"Significant and dramatic declines in rates of firearm related deaths occurred in Victoria and Australia after periods of strong legislative reform. Statistically significant reductions in firearm related suicides were observed after legislative reforms. In 2000, rates of firearm related deaths were less than two per 100 000 population for Victoria and Australia compared with 10.4 per 100 000 population for the United States. In Victoria, reductions in the numbers of registered firearms of 25% and of licensed shooters of 15% were seen over the four years between 1997–98 and 2000–01† (Ozanne-Smith, 2004). Prohibiting civilians from using guns can increase the effectiveness of the police in one’s state. When a person owns a gun, in theory he can protect himself and therefore does not need protection from the police. Thus, he becomes independent. However, if a person is not allowed to own a gun, he becomes more dependent upon the government for his safety and the police and the government now becomes more aware of the importance of their task in protecting their state. Lastly, the restriction of firearms can decrease the lethalness of crimes other than murder and homicide. Often times, minor criminals like thieves and robbers commit their crimes with a firearm, when in reality; the commission of their crime does not require it. They simply use the guns for self-defense. As a result, they are more likely to kill their victims rather than just stealing from them. Therefore, they not only steal, but they kill as well. The prohibition of firearms can lessen a criminal’s ability from committing another crime by decreasing the probability of murder and homicide. However, firearms have its benefits as well. But if the aforementioned is not used in the right way, it will lead to serious consequences: including death. That’s why gun control laws are implied in a state: to regulate and prevent the misuse of such firearms.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Studying the role of leadership management

Studying the role of leadership management According to Bennis and Nanus (1985, p. 20), leadership is referred as the most studied and least understood topic of any in the social sciences. There are more than 100 definitions of leadership having been identified in literature (Rost, 1991), and Stogdill (1974) even suggests that the definitions of leadership are as many as people who have ever tried to define it. However, there is neither any unanimously accepted definition of leadership, nor any consensus on the best way to train leaders (Bolden, 2004). Gallie (1955, cited in Grint, 2004, p. 1) defines leadership as, Leadership appears to be, like power, an essentially contested concept', whereas Bennis and Nanus (1985, p. 20) describes leadership as the abominable snowman, whose footprints are everywhere but who is nowhere to be seen. To summarise, the meaning of leadership is complex and includes many dimensions and it addresses many other key business/corporate, organisational, socio-cultural and personal processes. In mode rn days, it is generally popularised among commentators that charisma, inspiration, trust and consensus have been increasingly associated with leadership, but the author tends to advise they are necessary conditions for successful leadership in most situations, and there are circumstances, where other determinants are needed. Various Schools of Thoughts about Modern-day Leadership In 21st century the concepts of leadership and its definition are becoming more diversified according to various schools of thoughts. Peters (1993, p.19), explains the modern-day leadership as, Crucial to the revolution now under way so crucial that we believe the words managing and management should be discarded. Drucker (1992, p.119), having a similar point as Peters, identifies modern-day leadership as, Mundane, unromantic and boring. Its essence is performance, though Bolden (2004) is not in the favour of differentiating the details of the leadership from the management. What is more, as noted in the Jack Welchs example, General Electric Company progresses many folds in few years and the basis of this success is a candid, lucid and set guideline for a linear and prolific organization (Slater, 2003). Last but not least, Peter Scholtes (1998) leadership concentrates on systems thinking, and his opinions include leading by objectives, merit pay, performance appraisals, motivation, etc. According to Collinson (2005), followership is the essence of leadership, which means that modern-day leadership styles should be according to the personality and characteristics of the followers. The author understands from these different views that in the 21st century leadership styles, there is no one monotonous leading style in the organizations. Charisma in Modern-day Leadership Charisma is an advantage that promotes modern-day leadership performances, but it is not essential (Carpenter, 2002). Max Weber (1947) firstly defines that charisma differing leaders from ordinary people refers to special gifted magnetic charm and appeal; it gives leaders the capacity to do extraordinary things, and in particular it gives the leader exceptional powers of influence to followers. Scholars further suggest that charismatic leaders often serve as a strong role model for values that they desire others to adopt, show competence in every aspect of leadership so others trust his or her decisions, articulate clear goals and strong values, communicate high expectations for followers and show confidence in their abilities to meet those expectations (Conger, 1989; House, 1977; Shamir et al., 1993). Charismatic leaders are having deep impact on followers value, attitude and behavior, and it is suggested charisma is an important leadership attribute that motivates followers (Ilies et al., 2006). Leaders with charismatic personalities can get things done through attracting the subordinates to achieve the organisational goals more effectively, as people feel encouraged to be more devoted to their work, as a result of their admiration and respect to their leaders (Mortensen, 2008). Bill Clinton and Steve Jobs are both typical charismatic leaders. With overwhelming personal charm and vision, they successfully create their era. However, Ciulla (2004) suggests that basis of the leadership is ethics like earned trust not the charm. Tyler (2008) also advises people are lead because of their trust to the leaders, not charisma. Furthermore, it is generally agreed that leadership is ability and a skill which could be learnt over time and with the experience and maturity (Mumford et al., 2000); leaders are made not born, and charisma could be developed (Adair, 2005). Yet, Howell and Shamir (2005) also figure out that characteristics of followers sometimes determine the e fficiency of charismatic leadership. There is no denying of the importance of charisma for the leaders in the present-day leadership styles. Charisma is the capability to project the vision and thoughts regarding what the future prospects will hold upon others to bring a positive transform or change. In the light of this discussion, author understands that charisma is increasingly associated with modern-day leadership, and with the concern of other factors like the element of trust and follower, leadership in the modern-day organisations becomes more effective. The Inspirational Approach in Modern-day Leadership Inspirational leaders could positively motivate and influence people to get the best out of themselves, and accordingly pursue a far better performance of the organization (Wilson, 2010). Wilson and Rice (2004) also state that inspirational leaders are able to encourage, grow, and build up confidence of followers, through which modern organizations could benefit higher performance, even facing adversity. Robbins et al. (2010) suggest that charismatic leadership is the most common style of inspirational approach to leadership. The most striking element of the charismatic leadership is the ability to inspire astonishing performance from the followers and the team. It is also revealed that inspiration is a tactic to influence others and is associated with the research conducted by Yukl and Falbe (1990). The concept is that the leader makes a request or proposal that arouses enthusiasm by appealing to peoples values, ideals and aspirations or by increasing their confidence that they can do it. However, leaders are starting to inspire and motivate followers to perform, once trust is built up (Zeffane, 2010). Scholars claims that there are factors stimulating inspira tion, like a vision, which tells followers what they are expected to achieve and which they could always hold on (Scott, 2010). Other factors include involvement of everyone (Bilchik, 2001; Wilson, 2010), and the courage to admit personal weakness (Goffee and Jones, 2000) and so forth. Yukl and Falbe (1990) also conclude that leaders are most likely to use inspirational appeal and pressure when trying to influence subordinates, rather than their boss, or colleagues. In short, people are inspired to enthusiastically perform as well as they could, and ultimately succeed in achieving better organisational performance. Consensus and Modern-day Leadership With more and more emphasis on democracy, modern-day leadership is being increasingly associated with the consensus element in the decision making in the business organizations. Early experiments and research of Lewin et al. (1939) indicates that people are performing better, if they have been involved in the decision-making process. They also suggest leadership style to a large degree determine the performance of the group and they have categorized leadership into three styles: authoritarian, democratic and laissez faire leadership, among which democratic leadership is generally regarded as the more effective style. Consensus plays a very important role in democratic leadership, as members are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process and involved in the final decision and the agreement (Knight et al., 1999). Hence, with the support to the decision, people are better motivated and likely to perform better that they have been expected to (Brilhart and Galanes, 1989). M oreover, consensus in leadership stimulates team cohesiveness, with which members cooperate more with each other (Sanders and Schyns, 2006). It is also stated effective strategic leaders understand the necessity to involve team members in consensus decision making (Brilhart and Galanes, 1989). Besides, Felfe and Heinitz (2010) conclude that consensus not only largely predicts members commitments and their satisfaction, but also enhance organisational performance and leadership. Yet, Frisch (2008) argues a team cant make effective decisions if its members dont trust one another or if they fail to listen to one another. Therefore, before adopting consensus decision-making process, it is important that trust has been built up among members. It should not be neglected the decision-making ability of members in consensus process, as well as the fact that there are times authoritarian leaders work more effectively, especially facing risks and opportunities, as at least authoritarian leader ship is far less time-consuming (Lewin et al., 1939), and not everyone has the ability to tell and seize opportunities. Steve Jobs to some degree is an authoritarian leader, as no matter what other say and do, he insists that Apple should do its software and hardware all by itself even in such an open world day, as they know themselves best. It appears that Steve Jobs and his way is the path to the success of Apple. It would still appear consensus in modern-day leadership helps to sustain decisions, and to succeed a strategic leader needs to build the consensus. Trust Element in Modern-day Leadership As previously discussed, trust is shown as the basis of no matter charismatic, consensus or inspirational leadership. The importance of trust in modern organizations is widely recognized (Clegg et al., 2002), and it is increasingly important for leaders to arouse trust and faith to motivate the followers in modern organizations (Robbins et al., 2010). Martin (1998) defines trust leadership as, Leadership that is born and kept alive by the follower trust is trust leadership. According to him, followers attitudes are created by the leaders in the modern-day organisations. This allows the followers to trust the leader and trust is at the root of the leadership. Leadership is meant very little without the trust and vice versa. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. are some of the examples from the recent history who have innate abilities to influence the followers by appealing to their values and earning the trust. These values include trust, respect, equality and freedom and are present in the modern-day followers, too. The values practiced in the past can be duplicated and practiced today and applied to the workplaces (Martin, 1998). Attitudes determine responses, so effective leaders understand that employees attitudes are very important in achieving goals of the company. To build the trust, leaders influence employees by tapping into their values and thus a positive behavior and attitude is encouraged in both the leader and the follower. Thus, as Matthews (2010) suggests that trust is the basis to heighten and achieve productivity and profitability in modern-day businesses in addition to aligning the organisational values with the employees values. Vadell (2008) also describes the trust as the leading concept in the organisational commitment, which could be exemplified by his research about United States Air Force Officers commitment and intention to leave the military. On the other hand, leaders trust in subordinates benefits themselves in delegating power to subordinates (Leana, 1986), by which subordinates would be further motivated. Likewise, Greenberg (2009) indicates innovation more than often comes from taking risks, while trust is key determinant to inspire people to take risks; for example, Google employees are trusted to have one day a week to do whatever interests them, which gives birth to innovations like Gmail. The author understands that in the modern-day organisations and leadership styles, mutual trust between leaders and subordinates helps develop the commitment among the followers and this commitment element establish the truthfulness of the charismatic leadership style. Increasing Association of Charisma, Trust, Inspiration and Consensus with the Modern-day Leadership Theories Literature reveals charisma, trust, inspiration and consensus are all important factors of transformational leadership, which elevate followers well-being (Gillespie and Mann, 2004; Khatri, 2005; Nielsen and Munir, 2009; Liu et al., 2010; Felfe and Heinitz, 2010). Bass (1985) suggests that transformational leadership theory results into growth and empowerment of the followers, and Howell (1988) believes transformational leadership style develops dependency among the followers on the leader. This means that followers motivation, self respect and esteem all are dependent on the positive feedback and recognition from the leader. Richard Branson could well exemplify modern-day transformational leadership. In Virgin empire the individual personality of Branson is stamped all through the organization, and his values and goals derive and infuse every corner of the corporation. Charismatic transformational leaders like Branson are capable to achieve their impact by the creation of followers who personally identify with this style as well as with the work group they are with (Yukl, 1989). Conger and Kanungo (1998) suggest that the personal attachment and identification with the leaders is because of leaders charismatic style and approach and is based on referent power. Similarly, Shamir et al. (1993) suggest that role model behaviour is one main method with which leaders influence the followers. The older leadership styles such as contingency models of Fiedler (1967), Vroom and Yetton (1973) and Yukl (1989) have main focus on the identification of the leadership styles which predicts effective results depending on situational contingencies. But these theories could not advise for a continuous changing environment and circumstances. One of concepts recognised by most scholars as accurately reflecting what it is to be a leader is leadership is a trait (Rost, 1991). Stogdill (1974) studied some leadership qualities in traits that appeared more often than others, like sense of responsibility, self-confidence and emphasis on task competition. However, Shaw (1976) and Fraser (1978) identifies that leaders usually attain above average scores for the traits like motivation, ability and sociability. Rost (1991) suggests that according to the trait theory people are either born or not born with the leadership qualities that help them succeed in the leading roles. Inherited qualities for example the personality and cognitive ability are basis of the effective leadership. Author feels that sometimes traits are built or developed within the leaders. Richard Branson was not very sociable in his school life, but he has made himself the face of Virgin Group by participating in the shocking promotional and publicity stunts to g ain attention. Therefore, personality and traits are core part of modern-day leadership, but accordance to needs and wants of the business become the more rife drivers of the behavior. Modern-day leadership styles are more associated with the mix of charisma and trust to inspire the followers. Influence of Cultural Differences on Modern-day Leadership In modern days, more and more researches are focused on leaders/leadership in the context of globalization, that is global leaders/leadership (Mendenhall et al., 2008). It is also indicated despite of being a good leader in home country, one of the biggest challenges facing modern global leaders is how to lead people cross-culturally (Thomas, 2008; Deresky, 2011), as one leadership style may be effective in one culture, but fails in another (Scandura and Dorfman, 2004). DeGrosky (2011) reveals that leadership theory and practice have a great impact and are influenced by the differences among the cultures. However, the basic or fundamental principles of the leadership are same in all cultures even if leaders execute those functions in diverse ways from culture to culture. People influence others through leadership. Peoples values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours vary largely by culture (Hofstede, 1998; Walumbwa et al., 2007; Thomas, 2008), so efficiency of leadership influence diffe rs by cultures, too. In some cultures, people could be influenced successfully by applying coherent persuasion teamwork and consultation, while other cultures may be influenced successfully by using general approaches like socialising, gifting and exerting pressure (DeGrosky, 2011). For example, as Americans have an individualistic cultural style (Hofstede, 1983), in this cultural context, leadership looks more at individual leaders and personality traits, style, behavior, as well as charisma, and it is encouraged to highlight individual success; While in China, with a highly collectivism context, it is more reasonable to praise a team/group, instead of individuals. The case of the Floundering Expatriate also indicates that different leadership style is required by different cultural context. In modern-day leadership, peoples views of effectual leadership change from customary and individualistic toward collective and collaborative styles. The Global Leadership and Organisational Be havior Effectiveness project in 2004 indentifies there are universally accepted leadership characteristics worldwide. Positive leader attributes include trustworthiness, justice, confidence, honesty and so forth, while loner, non-cooperation, ruthlessness and asociality etc. are negative attributes (House et al., 2004). Conclusion Concept of modern-day leadership differs from one school of thought to other like modern-day leadership styles include simple linear, visionary, pure arts and science, systems thinking and military style, etc. However, in modern-day leadership there is no single leading style among the leaders and in the organisations. Type of the organization and followers characteristics also play an important role in deciding for the leadership style now. But the key point is that modern-day leadership is increasingly associated with charisma, inspiration, trust and consensus, as well as other determinants like followers characteristics and cultural differences. However, charisma is criticised in a positive as well as in a negative manner by different school of thoughts. When charismatic leadership style is based on the core values like paying respect and attention to the ideas of subordinates, then this brings a positive synergism for the impact of charismatic leadership style in the success of t he business processes and operations. Trust between leaders and the followers is the basis for success of charismatic leadership style. Strategic leaders and policy makers with inspirational abilities and consensus development attitudes can develop trust between them and the followers/employees. In short, charisma, inspiration and trust are linked with each other and collectively help develop commitment among the followers. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pharmacogenetics And Pharmacogenomics In Pharmacy Practice Biology Essay

Pharmacogenetics And Pharmacogenomics In Pharmacy Practice Biology Essay The study of the interaction between genetics and therapeutic drugs is variously called pharmacogenetics or pharmacogenomics. The differences between the two are the initial approach of the science: Pharmacogenetics starts with an unexpected drug response result and looks for a genetic cause. Pharmacogenomics, on the other hand, begins with looking for genetic differences within a population that explain certain observed responses to a drug or susceptibility to a health problem (The Australasian Genetics Resource Book, 2007). Pharmacogenetics refers to the study of inter-individual specific genetic variation (Zika et al. 2006). The term pharmacogenetics is occasionally used in a limiting sense to describe how different gene variants affect drug-response but it can also be defined more broadly as the study of the effect of heredity on human drug-response (Newton et al. 2007). Factors that influence how an individual responds to medication include their external and internal environments and overall health, as well as their genetic make-up. The goal of pharmacogenetics is to understand the role that an individuals genetic make-up plays in how well a medicine works, as well as what side effects are likely to occur in the individuals body. Understanding this can help tailor drugs in the future best suited for a particular individual (personalised medicine) or group (The Australian Genetics Resource Book, 2007). The small differences in the genes between different population groups, or some families within a population group, that have built up over the generations can mean that they react differently to medicines. However, some diseases, notably cancers, develop in cells which have an altered genetic constitution, so that the genetic make-up of the diseased tissue is no longer the same as that of the person in which it is present. Specific genes present in the diseased tissue may play a critical role in determining the optimum treatment. To establish this, it will therefore be necessary to identify the genetic make-up of the cancer itself: testing the patient before a cancer has developed is of no use, because the genetic changes are only present in the cancer cells and not in the normal host tissues (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2003). Some potential benefits of pharmacogenetics include the following: More powerful medicines: Drugs may be developed targeting specific health problems that will maximise therapeutic effects but decrease damage to nearby healthy cells Safer drugs the first time: Doctors could have an idea which drug to use based on a genetic profile versus trial and error, decreasing the likelihood of adverse reactions More accurate methods of determining dosages: Instead of dosages being based on body weight and age, it would be based on an individuals genetics. This would decrease the likelihood of an overdose. Better vaccines: Vaccines made of genetic material could activate the immune system to have all the benefits of existing vaccines but with reduced risks of infections (The Australasian Genetics Resource Book, 2007). Implications of pharmacogenetics in practice are vast and encompass broad areas such as: Drug response the effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors have been found to be greater in people of European or UK ancestry than African-Americans. Pre-treatment genetic screening of patients will eventually enable this knowledge to be applied in clinical practice. Moreover, variation in the genes that code for receptors (drug targets) may mean that some people may produce receptors that do not interact well with the drug. For example, some people have a lack of response to the drug salbutamol, used in the treatment of asthma, due to genetic variation in the gene that codes a receptor on the surface of smooth muscle cells lining airways of the lungs. Drug targets Genes may also determine how many of the receptors are produced on or within cells and genetic variation may mean that some people produce more of these sites than others. The action of the widely used antipsychotic drug haloperidol (Haldol) depends on its ability to bind to the dopamine (D2) receptor site. In one study, 63% of patients whose genetic make-up caused a large number of these receptor sites to be produced had a response to treatment with haloperidol. About 29% of patients with a smaller number of dopamine (D2) receptor sites responded well to the drug. Drug metabolism Pain relief medications such as codeine require an enzyme produced in the liver called CYP2D6 for the drug to be used by the body, break it down and remove it. Variations in the information contained in the CYP2D6 gene determine how much of this enzyme is produced in the liver (The Australasian Genetics Resource Book, 2007). The implication of variations in genotype on the metabolism of the immunosuppressant azathioprine is also an example. Polymorphisms in the gene encoding for the enzyme thiopurine S-methyl transferase (TPMT) lead to changes in the activity of the enzyme and rate of metabolism of azathioprine. Changes in the activity of the enzyme present clinically as an increased risk of neutropenia or a decreased chance of responding to azathioprine, at normal dose ranges. A genetic test for the polymorphism can identify individuals who are more likely to develop neutropenia. Thus, the aim of a pharmacogenetic test here is to minimise an adverse effect, although in other cases, a pharmacogenetic test may be able to predict an effective responseto a medicine by correlating an individuals genotype with the observed pharmacological actions of medicines (phenotype) (Clemerson et al. 2006). Drug development Excluding from clinical trials those people whose genetic makeup would make the drug being tested harmful or ineffective for them will increase the chance that a drug will show itself useful to a particular population group. This would increase the chance that the same drug will make it into the marketplace. Undertaking pre-genetic screening of those patients taking part in a clinical trial should also make the clinical trials smaller, faster, and therefore less expensive. For example, as seen in clinical trials for developing drugs for Alzheimer disease and other forms of dementia (The Australasian Genetics Resource Book, 2007). The application of pharmacogenetics has two main aspects: improvements in the safety and efficacy of medicines. In improving safety, pharmacogenetics works in the following ways: Pharmacogenetic tests reveal genetic variations already known to be associated with adverse reactions, allowing physicians to avoid exposing patients to medicines that would put them at risk. The majority of adverse reactions are caused because of an exaggerated effect of a medicine in the body. Less often, an adverse reaction may be an idiosyncratic response to the medicine. Adverse reactions to medicines have significant costs, in both human and monetary terms. However, it is difficult to ascertain the impact of genetic variation in response to medicines because data concerning adverse reactions often include problems caused by errors in prescription, and because information about other causes such as interaction between different medicines may be non-existent. Results from pharmacogenetic tests may also inform physicians in selecting the medicine most likely to benefit a particular patient. Many medicines are effective in only a proportion of patients treated. Sometimes, for a medicine to be effective, different doses are required for different patients. In the absence of a pharmacogenetic test for efficacy, the most appropriate medicine or dose is conventionally found by trial and error, although in some cases, tests of renal function may be used to predict the appropriate dose. It has been suggested that a trial and error approach to prescription may reduce compliance for medicines that do work, since patients acquire a general aversion to taking medicines because of the unpleasant side-effects which they might experience. This therefore helps in improving efficacy of medicines (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2003). A potential barrier to the development of pharmacogenetic tests concerns the application of intellectual property rights. Pharmacogenetic tests may be developed in a number of ways. The pharmaceutical company which is developing the medicine may also develop the pharmacogenetic test. Alternatively, a third party, such as another company or researchers from the public sector may develop the test independently. Furthermore, while the effect of pharmacogenetics may be to reduce some of the costs of developing new medicines, it would be imprudent to infer from this that the cost of purchasing medicines will necessarily fall (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2003). Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics is the study of genetic variations that influence individual response to drugs.   Knowing whether a patient carries any of these genetic variations can help prescribers individualise drug therapy, decrease the chance for adverse drug events, and increase the effectiveness of drugs (AMA, 2013).   Pharmacogenomics holds the promise that drugs might be tailor-made for individuals and adapted to each persons own genetic makeup. Environment, diet, age, lifestyle, and state of health all can influence a persons response to medicines, but understanding an individuals genetic makeup is thought to be the key to creating personalised drugs with greater efficacy and safety. Pharmacogenomics combines traditional pharmaceutical sciences such as biochemistry with annotated knowledge of genes, proteins, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (Human Genome Project Information, 2011). The field of pharmacogenomics is still in its infancy. Its use is currently quite limited, but new approaches are under study in clinical trials. In the future, pharmacogenomics will allow the development of tailored drugs to treat a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and asthma (Genetics Home Reference, 2013). The cytochrome P450 (CYP) family of liver enzymes is responsible for breaking down more than 30 different classes of drugs. DNA variations in genes that code for these enzymes can influence their ability to metabolise some drugs. Less active or inactive forms of CYP enzymes that are unable to break down and properly eliminate drugs from the body can cause drug overdose in patients. Clinical trials researchers use genetic tests for variations in cytochrome P450 genes to screen and monitor patients. In addition, many pharmaceutical companies screen their chemical compounds to see how well they are broken down by variant forms of CYP enzymes. Another enzyme called TPMT (thiopurine methyltransferase) plays an important role in the chemotherapy treatment of common childhood leukemia by breaking down a class of therapeutic compounds called thiopurines. A small percentage of Caucasians have genetic variants that prevent them from producing an active form of this protein. As a result, thiopurines elevate to toxic levels in the patient because the inactive form of TMPT is unable to break down the drug. Today, doctors can use a genetic test to screen patients for this deficiency, and the TMPT activity is monitored to determine appropriate thiopurine dosage levels (Human Genome Project Information, 2011). Similarly to pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics  has the potential to  provide tailored drug therapy based on genetically determined variation in effectiveness and side effects (AMA, 2013). This will mean: More powerful medicines   Pharmaceutical companies will be able to produce therapies more targeted to specific diseases, maximising therapeutic effects while decreasing damage to nearby healthy cells. Better, safer drugs the first time   Recovery time will go down and safety will go up as the likelihood of adverse reactions goes down or is eliminated altogether. Improvements in drug discovery, design, and development are obvious applications for pharmacogenomics. A deeper understanding of the genetic factors which cause variance in drug metabolism can aid in the design of drugs with improved potency, reduced toxicity, and fewer side effects. For example, pharmacogenomics can identify potential drug targets (targets are typically enzymes or other proteins), and determine which targets are least prone to genetic variance. By selecting drug targets which are not prone to genetic variance, drug designers can create drugs which are more likely to have standard, expected, and safe reactions in people who take it. More accurate methods of determining appropriate drug dosages   Current methods of basing dosages on weight and age will be replaced with dosages based on a persons genetics how well the body processes the medicine and the time it takes to metabolise it. Pharmacogenomics can also be useful in clinical trials for drugs which have passed through the approval process sufficiently that human trials are possible. Using this approach, a technique called genostratification can be used in selecting participants for clinical trials. This means that clinicians use genetic typing to select participants who are genetically more likely to react positively to the treatment which is under study. This can potentially allow for an improved level of treatment success, and means that proof of concept can be achieved sooner. This technique can also allow for a reduction in the required sample size for the trial, or shortened trial duration. Ultimately, a drug which may help save or improve lives can be used in the general public more quickly than otherwise would be possible. Economic issues from molecule to marketplace Pharmacogenomics eventually can lead to an overall decrease in the cost of health care because of decreases in: the number of adverse drug reactions, the number of failed drug trials, the time it takes to get a drug approved, the length of time patients are on medication, the number of medications patients must take to find an effective therapy, and the effects of a disease on the body (through early detection). Applying pharmacogenomics to patient treatment can help devise individualised treatment regimes, to ensure that patients receive the drugs which are most appropriate for their genetic makeup. In particular, this approach has significant potential in treating cancer, because there is a great degree of variance in the way people react to chemotherapy drugs. Tumors themselves are highly variable in genetic terms, and this partially accounts for the variance in drug responses. Using an approach which individualizes treatment regimes, to accommodate for this variance could improve cancer treatments significantly. Pharmacogenomics is useful in general for patient treatment because it has the potential to identify on an individual basis the drugs which might cause adverse reactions. A person who might experience such a reaction can then be prescribed an alternative drug (Lloyd, 2008). However, there are several potential barriers to pharmacogenomics which have to be overcome before the above discussed benefits of pharmacogenomics can be realised (Human Genome Project Information, 2011). These include the following: Complexity of finding gene variations that affect drug response   Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are DNA sequence variations that occur when a single nucleotide (A,T,C,or G) in the genome sequence is altered. SNPs occur every 100 to 300 bases along the 3-billion-base human genome, therefore millions of SNPs must be identified and analyzed to determine their involvement (if any) in drug response. Further complicating the process is our limited knowledge of which genes are involved with each drug response. Since many genes are likely to influence responses, obtaining the big picture on the impact of gene variations is highly time-consuming and complicated. Limited drug alternatives   Only one or two approved drugs may be available for treatment of a particular condition. If patients have gene variations that prevent them using these drugs, they may be left without any alternatives for treatment. Disincentives for drug companies to make multiple pharmacogenomic products   Most pharmaceutical companies have been successful with their one size fits all approach to drug development. Since it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to bring a drug to market, will these companies be willing to develop alternative drugs that serve only a small portion of the population? Educating healthcare providers   Introducing multiple pharmacogenomic products to treat the same condition for different population subsets undoubtedly will complicate the process of prescribing and dispensing drugs. Physicians must execute an extra diagnostic step to determine which drug is best suited to each patient. To interpret the diagnostic accurately and recommend the best course of treatment for each patient, all prescribing physicians, regardless of specialty, will need a better understanding of genetics. Conclusion Despite the various potential barriers to both pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics, these fields are rapidly evolving with the promise that someday a simple and rapid DNA test will determine potential risks of adverse effects with a certain drug, and thus turning to another drug which would be more suitable for the patient.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Essay

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Communist Manifesto was written by two world renowned philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This book was produced in an era of great suffering and anguish of all workers in a socially distressed system. In a time when revolutions were spreading through Europe like wildfire, Marx organized his thoughts and views to produce the critical pamphlet â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†. Marx’s scrutiny illustrates his belief that unless change is to occur the constant outcome will repeatedly remain uniform. This is a novel that displays the differentiation between the Bourgeois and the Proletariat. Class relationships are defined by an era's means of production. Marx’s contradictions the position that capitalism is the unsurpassed system of economics. The only tactic that could create a successful change is if the proletariat takes some initiative and brings an end to the two distinct classes. Only then will the proletariat attain equality so cially, politically and economically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1846 Karl Marx was exiled from Paris on account of his radical politics. He moved to Belgium where he attempted to assemble a ragtag group of exiled German artisans into an unified political organization, the German Working Men's Association. Marx, aware of the presence of similar organizations in England, called these groups together for a meeting in the winter of 1847. Under Marx's influence this assemblage of working-class parties took the name "The Communist League," discussing their grievances with capitalism and potential methods of response. While most of the delegates to this conference advocated universal brotherhood as a solution to their economic problems, Marx preached the composition of class warfare, explaining to the mesmerized workers that revolution was not only the sole answer to their difficulties but was indeed inevitable. The League, completely taken with Marx, commissioned him to write a statement of their collective principles, a statemen t which became â€Å"The Communist Manifesto.† In the book, the essential theory presented is the creation of only one class, so that there would no longer be a class struggle. It discusses how Engels and Marx argued for equality and redistribution of wealth. More than anything else, the two philosophers had a grievance with workers not having control over t... ...his class in being assimilated into the proletariat as society becomes more urbanized and reliant on industrial production. Petty-bourgeois socialism arises from this class, but holds up the standard of the proletariat, with whom the bourgeoisie are a shared enemy. I feel that the most influential quote in the book is "In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". This is a claim that once the proletariat achieve political power, the eventual result will be a classless society. Abolishing bourgeois modes of production undermines the continued existence of class hostility, and without class hostility, the proletariat will lose their own class character.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The communist contribution to this ongoing revolutionary discussion will be the raising of the property question, for any revolutionary movement which does not address this question cannot successfully rescue people from oppression. Eventually the inventible will occur due to the proletariat lack of outcry and social protests. A revolution will be the undeniable consequence.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Father Child Relationships in The Chosen, Dead Bodies Everywhere, and S

Father Child Relationships in The Chosen, Dead Bodies Everywhere, and Sherwood Anderson's Tandy      Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel The Chosen by Chaim Potok presents an important theme that is mirrored in other works of literature. The Chosen's portrayal of a dysfunctional father-child relationship is present in the song "Dead Bodies Everywhere" by the band Korn and in Sherwood Anderson's short story "Tandy". All three works depicted fathers who attempted to change their children into someone different. The works showed how this could hurt the children's relationship with their respective father. The pieces of literature also show how this type of dysfunctional father-child relationship can lead to the child finally disavowing their father and previous life. The Chosen, "Dead Bodies Everywhere", and "Tandy" all show Fathers that try to change their children, the damage caused by this effort, and finally the total renunciation by the child of their previous life.    In The Chosen, "Dead Bodies Everywhere", and "Tandy" the major factor in a dysfunctional father-child relationshi...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Competitive Grants, Action Research Proposal, and Business Plans Essay

Competitive grants, action research proposals, and business plans all seem to be predisposed with results and outcomes. All three seem to be geared towards the realization of a goal or an objective that supports desirable changes and results in society. Competitive grants are designed to be able to provide help and support to various populations who are in dire need of them (USDH, 2000). Action Research Proposals are written because of the need for changes in people’s behavior and responses toward certain issues or themes that need to be improved in order to result to desirable change through action research (Ferrance, 2000). Business plans are also designed in such a way that it provides for the needs of the consumers or the people and influence desirable changes in the economy and the satisfaction of the nation. It includes all the most important decision that one can make in order to make the business progress and be successful in its venture. (My Own Business, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, competitive grants, action research proposals, and business plans are instrumental in identifying and determining the varied needs of members in the society. These three also differ in their purpose, content, and outline. To have a deeper understanding about the similarities and differences among these three, the discussion about their nature and characteristics is relevant and will be stated in the following paragraphs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Funding programs for a specific group of population takes on the form of competitive grants. Competitive grants aim to address the growing needs of and problems in society. However, grants are only available to those who are eligible to apply and be granted access to the benefits and advantages that goes along with the grant. The funding and support that come from competitive grants are only limited to those who fit the characteristics of its target population. Moreover, these grants are only available for a limited period of time as proclaimed by the public or private organization implementing the program. Examples of competitive grants include training programs for young people who cannot afford to go to school, funding for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle advocacy, etc. (USDH, 2000)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An action research proposal plays a significant role in conducting a research, especially one that is academic in nature. The purpose of an action research proposal is to establish a background about the theme that is to be addressed after the research. In addition, an action research aims to influence change in certain processes and progressions that would in turn affect desirable changes in society. The action research proposal is instrumental in the accomplishment of this mission as it provides an overview of the problem and the solutions that would cause pleasant changes. The action research proposal is the basis of the action research. All the information and other action researches that have been conducted in the past are included in the proposal. In addition, it also contains predictions or calculated guesses of what the action research would lead to. It also includes the various processes that will be employed in order to collect all data, interpret them, and establish a solution to the main problem in the proposal. (Ferrance, 2000)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A business plan is a tool used by professionals in the business arena to predict the status of a specific business venture. It is also a way of preventing losses or cutbacks in the future. The business plan also continuously functions as a monitoring guide in evaluating or assessing the path of the business, whether it follows the plan or it is progressing or digressing in a different direction. Therefore, it is important to include substantial information and integrate it in the plan in order to see that changes that are occurring in a business enterprise. (Berry, 2008) The business plan is also broad than the action plan proposal and the competitive grant because it covers a wider range of information, from consumers, to human resources, capital funds, marketing strategies, etc. (My Own Business, 2007) References Berry, T. (2008). What is a Business Plan? Retrieved March 22, 2008, from Palo Alto Software, Inc. Website: Ferrance, A. (2000). Action Research. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from The Education Alliance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Website: My Own Business. (2007). Business Plan. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from My Own Business,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inc. Website: USDH. (2000). What is a Competitive Grant Program. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from U.S.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Department of Housing. Website:

Externalities – Essay

An externalities Is â€Å"an external effect, often unforeseen or unintended, accompanying a process or activity†. In the time of the Industrial Revolution, externalities were not thought of at all. Particularly in the field of energy, the only cost considered was the cost of production. The detrimental effect of the dirty energy on the environment was not factored in and, until recently, has not been thought of at all. The cost paid for fuel at the pump basically includes two things: production cost and profit margin.There Is one huge cost that Is not factored In though which Is the money that It costs to support a falling environment. Energy Is probably the most prevalent case of negative externalities there is. Not just fossil fuels but also the second largest energy provider, nuclear power, has huge negative externalities attached. The recent events in Japan have shown how expensive these supposedly cheap energies can become. The damage done by the melt down of the nuclear reactor after the earth quake will undoubtedly cost the Japanese billions of dollars to repair. This is only part of the cost though.The money for medical care will result in large expenditures as well. Neither of these costs is as devastating as the loss of life caused by such accidents though. The death toll and lingering health effects on the inhabitants of the area should also be major factors considered in the cost of â€Å"cheap† energy. This Is not the first occurrence either. Coherency and Three Male Island demonstrate how these resources, however many safety regulations they have In place, can still suffer from catastrophic events. The difficulty encountered with this though is short sightedness among the consumer.They want cheaper prices at the gas pump, and don't realize that if there is an oil spill that their tax money is going to have to help clean it up, as well as the prices at the pump going up as the market compensates. So the reaction to disasters arguably levels out the cost of the Inexpensive fuels. For some reason it seems that there have been more cataclysmic events in recent years than the past. This cannot exactly be statistically proven but it is easy to infer. With the population expansion, the demand for energy will continue to rise.And without moving forward on cleaner energies, the inexpensive energy Industry will error the growth of the population. This paired with the possibility of more frequent natural disasters Is not good. The roll of negative externalities will grow and people will realize the implications once it is too late. It is time to start factoring externalities into the cost of energy. This will spur the growth of alternative energies and move towards a safer system. The idea that only the cost of production should be factored in to something as dangerous as nuclear power seems to De an I removed. AAA let over Trot e a e Tinny century, Ana need s to De

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Computerization Of Education Education Essay

IntroductionDevelopment of computing machines in the modern society and associated with it cybernation of instruction is characterized by a monolithic proliferation of information and communicating engineerings ( ICTs ) . ICT can be used for information exchange and interaction between a instructor and a student in the modern instruction system. As such, non merely the instructor must get the hang the ICT engineering, but besides to be an expert in using it in his or her professional activities. â€Å" It is a technological universe in which kids are frequently more comfy than their parents and instructors † .[ 1 ] Computerization of educational achieves two strategic aims. First, it improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the usage of ICT tools and engineerings. Second, it improves the quality of developing heightening it with a new type of believing which is relevant to the demands of the information society. Using methods and agencies of information, future professionals must be able to acquire replies as to what information resources are available, where they are, how they can be accessed and how they can be used to better their professional activities. In our research paper we will cover the undermentioned facets of ICT Positive and negative facets of utilizing information and communicating engineerings in general instruction Review the function and topographic point of ICT in the edifice of the information society Review the countries of effectual application of ICT tools Review methods of ICT application to turn to appropriate demands of the educational procedure, monitoring and measuring of larning results, extracurricular activities and research, in primary school educational establishments Reappraisal demands for ICT installations Review the market of available ICT tools and merchandises.What is ICT?Information and communicating engineerings ( ICT ) are a combination of the hardware and package designed to implement information processes through the use of the computing machines and web engineerings. â€Å" The intent of ICT in instruction is by and large to familiarize pupils with the usage and workings of computing machines, and related societal and ethical issues † .[ 2 ]The chief focal point of the research nevertheless will be dedicated to the electronic agencies of educational intent, which are a subset of package tools of ICT. These include application package and electronic media, specifically designed for the educational usage: a system back uping the procedure of larning ( electronic text editions and encyclopedias ( including web ) , electronic research lab etc. ) . There are several locales of ICT tools use in the instruction system: In general educational establishments ( primary schools, high schools, etc. ) In the auxiliary instruction ( instructor-led linguistic communication schools, etc. ) In home-based acquisition ( extracurricular activities, etc. ) To further contract down the subject of the research the chief speech pattern will be applied to the country of general Primary school instruction with accent on the general instruction of the primary instruction procedures. Harmonizing to Andrew A. Zucker who writes in his ‘Transforming Schools with Technology: How Smart Use of Digital Tools Helps Achieve Six Key Education Goals ‘ 2008, the ICT will be successful if engineering is aligned with six major instruction ends. Those ends are to: addition pupil accomplishment do schools more piquant and relevant supply a high-quality instruction for all pupils attract, prepare, and retain high-quality instructors addition parental and community support for pupils outside of school require answerability for consequencesICT methods and techniquesMethods and techniques of ICT in learning are aimed at developing accomplishments in information activities of students and their ‘information ‘ civilization. There is a figure of different learning methods that could be employed in this country, some of them are: exemplifying, generative, research based, disciplinary cognition, inducement, motivational, etc. These methods could be enormously enhanced by the usage of ICT techniques. For illustration, the exemplifying methods could be enhanced by utilizing multimedia which can clearly better the mental activity of pupils due to increased visibleness and emotional profusion ( life, sound, picture and other multimedia effects ) . When a instructor develops the multimedia instructional stuffs, he/she may utilize Irish local history stuff that enhances the educational lesson as students would be able to associate more to the subject which is familiar to them. Generative methods of instruction benefit through the usage of larning systems offering the high degree of customization on a personal-oriented instruction in which students are able to construct single educational way depending on their personal accomplishments and abilities ( perceptual experience, memory, thought, etc. ) . Through the use of the ICT the analyzing procedure can be enhanced without adding excess load on the teachers/their agenda. The consequence of freshness and overall attraction of the computing machines to the students serve as an extra agencies to excite and actuate acquisition, better students ‘ involvement in analyzing. ICT allows and provides a locale to heighten farther preparation thought the use of the bet oning signifier of preparation. The value of these games is really high. Indeed, the accomplishments of non-verbal communicating channels ( facial look, gesture, position, etc. ) are of import in the day-to-day lives of students, and will hold even greater significance in future active societal and professional activities. The ability to right convey the significance of the message, non merely in a signifier of words but besides in ‘a general look of the organic structure ‘ is really utile to pupils in life.ICT and StudentsGeneral Education and ICTUse of ICT in instruction of general instruction classs aimed at bettering the acquisition procedure within a given scientific field of cognition. ICT finally improves the quality of direction in schools by increasing the involvement of students, supplying the ability for a extremely customized and personalized course of study, ability to escalate the acquisition without the addition of working hours of the instructors. It besides should be noted that there is a tendency of increased use of undertaking – squad work – particularly in the country of research assignments. ICT is an instrumental tool in this country, with its interlinked computing machine engineering and networking capablenesss, making a alone existent clip integrating of sub-projects, doing it possible to heighten interdisciplinary links between the general instruction classs. Use of ICT tools in the direction of the educational procedure is oriented at bettering the administration procedure. There are several countries that could be managed by ICT ; forces direction, direction of logistics, direction of the educational procedure, direction of information resources. ICT modules where developed for the each of these countries. To better the procedure of forces direction – a ‘human resource ‘ faculty, to better the direction of logistics – a ‘warehouse ‘ faculty, ‘schedule ‘ faculty for the instruction procedure, etc.Auxiliary Education and ICTWithin the country of the auxiliary instruction ICT covers two chief countries: ICT as an object of survey and tool aimed at sweetening of the mental abilities of kids and as agencies of administration procedure betterment. The chief difference between the system of the auxiliary instructions of kids and primary instruction system is the deficiency of compulsory unvaryi ng educational criterions. This characteristic brings a qualitative alteration in the methods of application of ICT, and provides teacher/school with the pick of the educational means/tools. Given that kids come volitionally to the auxiliary instruction organisation ( as opposed to schools, where kids come on a compulsory footing ) , the instructor pays particular attending to methods of stimulating and motivation of larning. In selecting of the right content of the instruction, the instructor addresses the demands and involvements of students more actively in response to inventions in the field of ICT development. Therefore, the content of instruction does non double the primary-school scientific discipline, but instead broadens and deepens it. Of class, the instructor can utilize all known methods of instruction, but precedences are given to the stimulating and actuating acquisition, research activities and games based larning techniques. ICT tools used in the direction of the edu cational procedure in establishments of auxiliary instruction oriented to bettering the work with talented kids in different countries. Albeit this country boosts particular characteristics deserving mentioning, specifically the fact that the organisations that provide a auxiliary instruction are in its huge bulk are of a commercial nature. As such they of course imply a more active cooperates/collaboration with the societal environment: kids and their parents. In each such establishment many instructors develop their ain plans and techniques which are worthy of digest and distribution, which may lend to the farther ICT tools development and, above all, the networking engineerings.Home-based instruction and ICTICT tools in its home-study application are oriented on individualisation of the larning procedure of students and their societal version. Embedded preparation engineerings in such systems are generative in nature, their chief intent is to assist pupils to fix for all kinds of tests/quizzes or tests and fundamentally directed at repeat of school stuff. In add-on, by holding a computing machine at place, the student is able to more expeditiously complete prep ( fixing research for case, etc. ) . In this instance, ICT tools are the agencies of individualisation of acquisition and bettering the educational activities of pupils. As a agency of societal version of students, ICT tools fulfil the demand of societal adaptation of students while pupils communicate with each other over the Internet. Networking technologies is a powerful tool of societal activity, mobility and reactivity. Having a place Internet entree and computing machine equipped with the ICT client allows kids to have an chance to take part in on-line undertakings, addition entree to assorted research and informations resources every bit good as an chance to show societal activity. The pupil must be prepared to accept and measure information and develop a right perceptual experience of any info rmation he/she runs into, which helps developing critical thought which should be given a peculiar attending by instructors and parents as this is one of the ultimate ends of any educational system. To sum up the usage of ICT tools in general instruction is chiefly aimed at bettering the bing instruction engineerings and direction. It should be noted that ICT long pillows pupil ‘s ability in the country of informations excavation, analytical thought and strengthens their research abilities while working with huge sums of information available and given a timeline for the completion teaches students to efficaciously pull off their ain clip and the value of squad work coaction. ICT tools are effectual in bettering involvement of pupils and creative activity of individualised tilting methods. Application of ICT in the educational procedure, particularly at place, requires development of critical thought, which should be monitored and encouraged by instructors and parents. Application of networking and distributed engineerings in the general instruction facilitates the integrating of assorted types of best learning patterns under the ICT umbrella.ICT – Computer-assisted instructionWith every passing twenty-four hours Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) is being adopted into assorted Fieldss of educational activities. Both external drivers related to overall coming of omnipresent informational society and internal factors such as wider acceptance and spread of the computing machine engineering in schools contribute to this acceptance. Stairss are taken by the authoritiess to farther promote the acceptance through appropriate support, standard scene and preparation. In the huge bulk of instances, the usage of this engineering positively affects productiveness of instructors every bit good as the effectivity of the acquisition procedure. The word ‘technology ‘ is of Grecian beginning and means ‘the scientific discipline, the aggregation methods and techniques for managing or processing of natural stuffs, semi-finished merchandises and change over them into objects of ingestion. Current apprehension of the word includes the application of scientific and technology accomplishments used to work out practical jobs. In this instance, information and telecommunication engineerings can be considered as such engineerings, which aim to procedure and transform information. Information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) is a general term depicting assorted techniques, methods and algorithms for informations aggregation, storage, processing, presentation and transmittal of information. This definition deliberately does non include the word ‘usage ‘ . Use of information and communications engineering presents yet another aspect of engineering – a set of information and telecommunication engineerings in instruction, medical specialty, defense mechanism and other Fieldss of human activity that is portion of overall construct of information engineering. Each of these countries of information engineering imposes its ain restrictions and distinctive features. This construct includes the full s cope of techniques, methods, techniques and attacks to accomplish the aims of computerized instruction. The basis of the ICT tools is a personal computing machine equipped with a set of peripherals known as a hardware platform and a set of educational plans known as the package or applications. The chief classs of package are system plans, applications and tools. System plans are runing systems ( OS ) every bit good as assorted public-service corporations or service plans. Applications are the tools of the information engineering – package that enable user to work with text, artworks, tabular informations, etc. With the coming of computing machine webs, pupils and instructors have a new alone chance to receive/send information anyplace in the universe. A planetary telecommunications web of the Internet makes it possible to immediately entree information resources ( digital libraries, databases, file storage, etc. ) , the most popular of which is of class the World Wide Web. The internetworking capablenesss allow people to pass on and interchange informations utilizing electronic mail, instant messaging clients, get offing lists, newsgroups, confabs, VoIP and teleconferencing engineering. The latest development introduced tools for coaction and cooperation which are instrumental portion of the distributed computing machines enabling pupils to interact virtually with each other anyplace in the universe. Technology continues to germinate and we as a society seem to be come ining the age of omnipresent calculating. It is impossible to measure at this phase how cloud computer science and the development of the construct of omnipresent calculating would impact the country of instruction, but there is no uncertainty that many of these engineerings have the potency to significantly better the quality of preparation and overall pupils ‘ instruction. At the same clip, nevertheless, despite of the monolithic positive impact, in some instances, the usage of the information engineering has no consequence, and in rare instances, such usage has a negative consequence. Concept of the information society, which includes instruction, gained important encouragement in the early 90-ies and was taken earnestly by the authoritiess of the developed states. Albeit the construct is non new, and was foremost introduced by Fritz Machlup in 1973, in his book ‘The production and distribution of cognition in the United States ‘ , which suggested that the information society is the highest phase of social development.Positive and negative facets of computerized instructionIt may look that the usage of ICT is ever warranted in all countries of educational activities. Surely, in many instances it is. However, it has a figure of negative facets. Positive and negative factors of ICT should be taken into history by educators. Professionals are bettering methods and techniques of choosing and determining the content educational stuff debut and development of new specialized subjects and Fieldss of survey associated with the information sciences and information engineering alterations in instruction of the traditional school topics bettering instruction of students by increasing their degree of individualisation and distinction debut of new signifiers of interaction into the acquisition procedure that changes the content and nature of the instructor and student relationship creates tools helping in optimisation of the instruction direction creates and supports the integrating tendency of capable countries and the environment, Allows high degree of customization. Raises degree of activity of the pupil develops the ability of alternate thought, constructing accomplishments to develop a scheme to happen solutions Allows foretelling the consequences of determinations based on the simulation of the studied objects, phenomena, procedures and relationships between them. Cons are: In malice of the obvious pros the usage of ICT can take to several negative effects. In peculiar, most frequently one of the benefits of ICT is referred to the individualised acquisition. However, along with the advantages there are besides major defects associated with the entire individualisation. It limits to the minimal the unrecorded interaction between instructors and students, students with each other and surrogates it with interaction with the computing machine. Due to restrictions of the current engineering the lone interface of this communicating is a keyboard instead than address. The chief interface of the human head – ability to talk – gets shutdown. The deficiency of practical dialogic communicating shackles the development of the linguistic communication and overall affects negatively development of the thought procedure. Another important drawback of this alternate relationship is the curtailment of societal contacts, the decrease of societal interaction and communicating, individuality. Certain troubles and negative facets may originate from the usage of the ICT tools that provide instructors and pupils considerable flexibleness in happening and utilizing information. Often confusing and complicated methods of presentation may do the recreation of the students from the studied stuff due to assorted incompatibilities. Furthermore, the nonlinear construction of information exposes the pupil to the enticement to â€Å" follow the suggested links that which can derail the intent of the exercising in its entireness. The usage of information resources published on the Internet, frequently leads to negative effects. Most frequently, the usage of ICT tools triggers plagiarism – cut and paste of the readily available undertakings, essays, studies, research documents, etc. which does non heighten the effectivity of larning procedure. ICT tools can be non merely a powerful tool for the formation and development of kids but conversely, advance a ‘standard ‘ form of thought and inert attitude to work. In many instances, the usage of ICT and existent clip handiness of informations deprives and prevents pupils from behavior existent experiments by their ain custodies, which adversely affects the acquisition. And last but non least, the wellness facet of students must be taken into the most serious consideration as the excessive of ICT equipment could negatively impact the wellness of a kid.Methods of ICT application in the instruction procedureICT tools can be used as a mean of support in the traditional methods of instruction. In this instance, ICT enhances the preparation procedure, provides a locale for certain degree of customization of acquisition and allows for partial mechanization of everyday work of instructors related to accounting, organisation and scaling. On the other manus, ICT could take to a drastic alteration of educational procedure, coercing the alteration of methods and signifiers of organisation of educational procedure. Induces the building of incorporate classs based on the usage of information content in each school subjects. The demand for specific cognition which is either non available in a individual person topic, i.e. interdisciplinary cognition is needed or there is a demand for a ‘deep dive research ‘ – a demand to research a figure of constructs, theories and Torahs that can non be obtained in a standard instruction. The demand for the generative abilities. A demand to fix for the quiz which has clip restriction. The demand for originative thought. Development of the optimisation accomplishments. Most cost-efficient solutions or the most optimum discrepancy of procedure The demand to develop trim individualized qualities. Formation of pupils ‘ sense of duty towards others, towards themselves. All of the above grounds and factors suggest that the usage of ICT tools in learning pupils on a â€Å" bigger is better † rule may non take to seeable betterment in the efficiency of instruction. ICT usage requires a balanced and well-reasoned attack.Information Society and ICTUsing the sum of cognition as a standard it was determined that the sum of human accumulated cognition is skyrocketing and is duplicating[ 3 ]every 5 old ages since 1970. Beginning: University of Stellenbosch ‘The MIKM and the Revolution of the Knowledge Economy ‘ Using this figure as the sum of accrued human cognition as a standard for presenting the public position of the information society is justified, because harmonizing to some estimations, since the beginning of our epoch, the first doubling of the accrued cognition of world took topographic point in 1750, the 2nd – the beginning of the 20th century, the 3rd – already by 1950 twelvemonth. Since 1950, the entire sum of cognition in the universe doubles every 10 old ages, since 1970 – every 5 old ages. The history of the information society contains the history of the beginning and development of new types of human activities associated with computing machines. Such growing resulted in an visual aspect of a specialised group of people employed entirely in the information industry ( operators, coders, system analysts, interior decorators, etc. ) . Obviously, the outgrowth of new scientific and professional countries requires specialised preparation with non merely the specialised content but besides peculiar methods and agencies of instruction. Therefore it is non a happenstance that computing machine based instruction achieves two strategic aims. It improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the usage of ICT and improves quality of developing through a new type of believing the relevant demands of the Information Society. The computer-based instruction is an built-in portion of the information society. The passage of modern society to an information epoch of its development progresss as one of the major challenges confronting instruction, the undertaking of organizing the foundations of an information civilization of the hereafter specializers. Society ‘s demand for skilled forces possessing a necessary skillset becomes a prima factor in educational policy. Today, it is virtually impossible to happen a school which would non hold ICT implemented in some signifier. In today ‘s universe everything is interconnected. It is obvious that computer-based instruction and information society development are closely linked, invariably impacting each other. Here are several of these countries of convergence alterations in content and maps of instruction, signifiers and methods of instruction activities positive impact of ICT tools and information on the development of originative abilities educational impact of information engineering the outgrowth of the possibility of utilizing multimedia engineerings in instruction further development of go oning instruction in the information society Development and widespread usage of electronic theoretical accounts of larning the constitution of developmental instruction based on the information resources of society a combination of traditional and advanced ways of larning in the information society formation of information civilization of instructors to work in all signifiers of educational procedure coevals of new attacks to the direction of the establishment and measuring the quality of instructor work globalisation and integrating of educational services in the information societyInformation engineering in school instructionTypes of audio-visual and proficient equipment used in instruction.The birth of ICT did non go on overnight and was preceded by a rapid development of assorted non-computer devices known as proficient and audio-visual preparation AIDSs. For the drawn-out period of clip, proficient agencies of preparation were attributed merely to the hardware: slide and film projectors, telecasting sets, tape recording equipments and CD-players, every bit good as specially designed instruction stuffs and AIDSs such as filmstrips, cassettes and compact phonograph record. These learning tools at different phases of development of the instruction system were the chief tools for bettering the efficiency of storage, processing, transmittal and presentation of educational information. In the absence of computing machine equipment they have played the function of information and commu nicating engineerings. A hundred old ages ago, with Thomas Edison innovation of record player, the first embodiment of ICT was born. A that clip with the coming of the ability to record, shop and playback sound all the jobs of instruction were seen to be solved ; today of class, it is obvious that non all such jobs have been solved wholly. Throughout the last century a assortment of instruction tools were introduced ; each clip ensuing in more advanced informational support system of the acquisition procedure, which in bend a positively impacted the effectivity of learning. At present, any educational establishment possesses a subset or a full set of the followers: sound recording and playback ( tape, CD-players ) voice/data passage systems ( telephone, facsimile, teletype machines, wireless communicating systems ) video/radio broadcast medium equipment ( telecasting, wireless, educational telecasting and wireless, DVD-players ) optical and photographic equipment ( cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors ) Printing, copying, scanning and other equipment designed for certification and reproduction of information ( duplicators, microfilm, microfiche ) computing machine installations used for the electronic entry, processing and storage of information ( computing machines, pressmans, scanners ) telecommunications systems for the transportation of information through communications ( modems, web wire, orbiter, fiber optics, microwave and other communicating channels )Analogue Equipment:Audio – tape recording equipments, mikes, amplifiers, talkers, recording equipments, wirelesss, linguistic communication equipment, tapes, records ) Graphic and photographic tools – cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors, filmstrips, slides, images on the tapes Projection equipment – cameras, projectors, movies Movies and Television installations – TVs, proctors, cameras, camcorders, VCRs, picture participants, picture projectors, video tapes ) .Digital equipment:Audio – digital voice recording equipments and participants, digital Compact disc read-only memory Graphic and photographic tools – digital cameras, optical maser and magnetic discs, storage memory card Projection Technology – multimedia projectors Movies and Television installations – digital picture recording equipments, DVD-players and DVD-players, optical maser and magnetic discs, electronic memory card ) Computer tools – Computer multimedia tools to enter, procedure and playback sound, entering processing and visual image of text, artworks and photographic installations ; entering, processing and playback. With the coming of the cyberspace the computing machine serves as a basis of the ICT and enables a figure of characteristics which were unavailable in non-internetworked universe ; telecommunication between people, existent clip coaction and existent clip entree to information resources. Computer engineering gives alone chance to unite different engineerings and different agencies such as sound, text, exposure and picture into one cohesive locale of bringing. However, debut of computing machine engineering brings an interesting point. At first glimpse, it would be logical to include other engineerings and tools of relevancy to the processing and presentation of information used in instruction. However, at the same clip, the catholicity of the computing machine brings the educational engineering to the whole new degree and inquiries the use of all non-computer based tools with the exclusion of the book possibly, as they are losing relevancy. Today, for obvious grounds, it is practical ly impossible to happen a modern educational film-strip or phonographic discs. As such, the execution of computerized instruction will take to increased usage in of advanced information and communicating engineerings. Therefore, our research was concentrated on all facets on the ICT: computing machine hardware and package, every bit good as their practical content.HardwareComputers and devices, normally referred to as hardware, is a platform of any ICT system and should be carefully selected with the thought of being portion of the educational procedure behind. Despite its evident young person, computing machines have a reasonably rich history. The thought of automatizing computations which gave rise to the creative activity of the first computer science devices is non new and has been entertained for a long clip. The first operational summing machine was built in 1642, Blaise Pascal, a Gallic physicist, mathematician and applied scientist. Despite the fact that the initial computations were performed by mechanical devices and tools, such devices can still be considered as tools of information processing and, accordingly, the predecessors of the computing machines used in assorted Fieldss of human activities, including instruction. Even four decennaries ago the calculation was widely done by mechanical reckoners, and electro-mechanical proto-computers. However, because of its massiveness, trouble of usage, high cost, low-speed of information processing and a figure of other grounds a computing machine could non happen a proper application in the field of instruction at that clip. A rare exclusion is higher instruction, the handiness of computing machines in which justified the demand for preparation in a figure of professions such as computing machine scientific discipline. Furthermore, instructors and pupils work normally with one computing machine. It is in these universities sprung up first experience of computerized instruction. However, the existent large-scale debut of computing machines into all educational activities took topographic point in the early 80-ies of the last century ; Personal computers stressed the word ‘personal ‘ i.e. one computing machine – one individual attack ; its concentration, velocity, comparatively low cost, handiness of a big figure of devices that extend the capablenesss of personal computing machines, all that contributed to the rise of Personal computer in every aspect of our lives, including instruction. The chief way of Personal computer development was on spread outing capacity to treat information. Gradually, the hardware evolved and allowed people to make, shop, procedure and transmit text, artworks, exposures and picture cartridge holders and sound. Due to its versatility personal computing machines provide maximal sum of benefits for instruction intents. Most of the instructors and pupils are working with personal computing machines available in ever y school. Through personal computing machines held theoretical lessons and practical exercisings, measured the degree of cognition, and conducted research, distributed work load, and planned extra-curricular activities, carried out educational undertakings and self-cultivation activities. In this respect, computing machine hardware is, by definition, an built-in portion of the ICT tools used in instruction, it is of import to understand the features of Personal computers and other hardware devices available on the market today. Regardless of the trade name, theoretical account, clip of creative activity and the application of all personal computing machines have common cardinal characteristics such as: Personal computer is personal: one-to-one relationship. Ability to procedure, storage, present and transmit assorted types of informations, including text, numerical informations, artworks, sound, picture, etc. Ability to uniform communicate with the user in a linguistic communication near to natural Ability to add assorted hardware devices that significantly expand capablenesss of a Personal computer Internetwork connectivity Recently with the coming of the note- and net-books the characteristic of mobility got high congratulationss in concurrence with the development in the nomadic broadband connectivity enabling people to utilize these Personal computers irrespective of their location. The method of human interaction with a computing machine and type the needed package depends on the computing machine hardware platform. This construct includes a set of characteristics of the computing machine, the built-in trade name and maker ‘s specific hardware. Two such platforms traditionally prevail in the country of instruction. In 1976 the first computing machine Apple Macintosh was developed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Creation of such computing machines on the monolithic graduated table was the chief drift to the formation of Personal computer fabrication industry. In 1981 the first personal computing machine by IBM has entered the market. IBM Personal computer and Apple Macintosh constructs are the most normally used in instruction. Regardless of the hardware platform personal computing machines have all the characteristics of import to better the preparation of pupils and can every bit be used to accomplish the ends of cybernation of instruction. There is nevertheless an issue of hardware compatibility and its inoperability, and this of import inquiry demands to be answered before any investing is made for this or that platform. Very frequently the solution lies with the instructors and school governments. One of the most appropriate attacks to finding the adequateness of the computing machines ‘ hardware is to see and measure the needful capablenesss of the hardware/software/content and their interoperability at the planning phase so they fit to aims under specified fortunes. The most advanced, powerful and expensive computing machines may non ever be a demand for ICT planning. To accomplish effectual larning it is frequently sufficient to utilize older, less advanced Personal computers. In the same item, replacing them with the latest theoretical accounts does non impact the effectivity of learning pupils dramatically. To find the adequateness of hardware, evidently, there must be a valid characteristics comparison prosodies with the demands imposed by the package. In this respect, it is of import to cognize what the specifications of computing machines are available to instructors. Soon based on the Personal computer model the parametric quantities include but non limited to: Computer public presentation ( CPU clock velocity ) Sum of RAM Hard disc infinite CD/DVD ROM Speed Video Card ( type and sum of memory card, type, size and declaration of the proctor ) Computer Audio ( sound card type, the type of talker, a mike ) Network card Modem Wireless ( Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ) Printer ( Peripheral ) Scanner ( Peripheral ) It should be noted that in finding the above parametric quantities important consideration should be given to the type of the operating system, every bit good as ability to entree to local and planetary telecommunications webs. The visual aspect of any new peripheral devices in the school typically provides new chances for instructors and pupils. For illustration, the outgrowth of digital computing machine based projection opens new possibilities doing them more graphic and entertaining that in return facilitates the assimilation of educational stuff. Clearly, these and other characteristics introduced into instruction by peripherals and personal computing machines, enhance motive for acquisition, increase the objectiveness of the rating of larning results and advance self-cultivation, extracurricular and research activities meanwhile significantly simplifying professional activities of instructors and school disposal. Additionally, progressively the specialised peripheral devices that relate to specific topics of educational stuff are being used. These devices are digital electronic microscopes used in learning biological science, digital ohmmeter, voltmeters and ammeters used in the survey of natural phil osophies, planetary placement device ( GPS ) , used for field trips in local history lessons. Along with positive facets, there are nevertheless some negative effects caused, chiefly, by the negative impact on wellness and psychological status of pupils and instructors. The limitations and recommendations for the hardware use in educational stuff vary well depending on the age. Thus it is of import to observe that the usage of computing machines in primary schools should be governed by the supervising organic structure of the authorities which should come up with the regulations and ordinances regulating the safe usage of appropriate equipment in schools.ICT and instructors: facets of the computer-assisted instruction.At present clip the measure of both, hardware and package, available at any given school is near to the impregnation point, at which the significant addition in calculating power does non ensue in relevant end product in quality of instruction. As such, it becomes appa rent and pressing that the equipment halt playing a prima function and the scheme of the practical execution becomes paramount. Acerate leaf to state that the effectual usage of ICT is impossible without instructors ‘ ability to use such tools to their full extent ; in peculiar, instructors must cognize where and how to happen the needed class stuffs in telecommunication webs, able to utilize such webs in assorted facets of acquisition, cognize how to show the contents of academic topics through multimedia engineerings, how to use multimedia acquisition. The interview research conducted by the group has revealed a figure of facets related to these demands: preparation in engineering of computer-based instruction is portion of the educational content ICT used in instruction is simply a tool for work outing jobs, its usage should non go an terminal end usage of computer-assisted larning extends the human head and addresses the educational and professional ends Training in working with the ICT is one of the methods of puting a mentality of information society. With of all time deeper engagement of the ICT in instruction procedure, the civilization of preparation and the instructor ‘s function in the acquisition procedure is altering. With a bigger accent on self-cultivation the function of teacher becomes more consultative and remedial than of all time before. The skillset required is besides broadens from silo of a general topic to more inter-disciplinary set of topics. Significantly increases the demands for personal, cultural and communicative qualities of the instructor. It is besides becomes apparent that, unluckily, computer-based preparation plans are created by package applied scientists without any input from the experts in the field of psychological science, educations, content and learning techniques. Furthermore, it is besides good known fact that pedagogues with extended experience, as a norm, are non thirstily following the new ICT based methods and, by virtuousness of conservative thought, non ever understanding their significance. These instructors have a important psychological barrier towards the computing machine engineering and package based information resources, which is normally masked by uncertainties about their pedagogical pertinence in educational procedure. Sometimes, nevertheless, such underestimate is due to superficial familiarity with rules and procedures of the computer-assisted instruction. In footings of computer-assisted instruction, all instructors could be divided into two chief classs: teachers-users of ready-to-use ICT installations and teachers-developers of pedagogical tools and techniques. The instructor must get the hang basic computing machine accomplishments, have a current overview of the most common package bundles, able to work with word processors, dispersed sheets, any well-known specialised preparation plans, and able to get the hang the telecommunication interaction with co-workers and pupils every bit good as freely navigate the planetary online beginnings of information. Training of the instructors, who themselves engaged in developing of the electronic information resources, should be kindred to the degree of developing given to power users or even package applied scientists in some instances – this is indispensable for the proper degree of ICT tools comprehension and rational design of the ICT construction. For instructors involved into dev elopment it is highly of import to understand and run in country of convergence between the design and the usage of ICT and rule of instruction and psychological science. The ideal scenario would be a originative pudding stone of squad members that possess system and application development accomplishments, psychological science, teaching method, design and ergonomic. Due to the fact that electronic information resources become in this instance non merely educational stuff, but besides a piece of package, the content of the class needs to be restructured consequently. Therefore, in order to make an ICT a thorough apprehension of structural and holistic position of the educational stuff is a must. Teachers are actively engaged in the development and usage of ICT tools must hold a sufficient degree of preparedness. This means that instructors must get the hang the accomplishments of the user, have a general thought about package capablenesss and be experts in the field of a peculiar subject. Requirements for the instructor, utilizing ICT tools consist of the traditional demands for any educator, but besides need to stress the ability to utilize information engineering and practical facets of ICT. The traditional demands include: Organizational ( work planning, ability to drive involvement in larning, etc. ) Educational ( ability to choose and fix convincing and consistent preparation stuff, etc. ) perceptual ( ability to ‘understand ‘ a pupil and tailor educational stuff towards the demands and involvements of a student ) Communication ( the ability to set up an expedient relationship with students, their parents, co-workers, schoolmasters, etc. ) research ( ability to understand and objectively measure jobs and procedures ) scientific ( ability to absorb needful cognition of a peculiar topic ) topic ( professional cognition ) The ICT transforms and imposes extra demands on the traditional skillset. For case instructor becomes less dependent on the traditional pedagogical technique, particularly in non-verbal agencies of communicating. However, in malice of the widespread use of resources information engineering, the primary map of instructors – direction of the acquisition procedures and development of schoolchildren must stay.Methods of developing instructors in ICTUse of ICT positively influences instructors ‘ productiveness and increases effectivity of students larning. At the same clip, albeit the overwhelmingly impact of ICT use, in some instances it has no consequence and even may ensue in a negative impact. Obviously, the ICT preparation demands to be well-structured and integrated on the footing of the best-practices attack and must be a portion of the course of study for the pupils prosecuting grade in instruction. The chief ends of ICT preparation are: Familiarization with the positive and negative facets of utilizing ICT in instruction. Definition of function and topographic point of ICT in the information society. Establishing a position of the species composing and countries of effectual usage of educational engineerings for making, processing, presentation, storage and transmittal of information. Familiarization with best patterns, techniques and methods of ICT use in educational procedure, monitoring and measuring of larning result. Developing an ICT centric skillset and cognition, basic rules and methods of measuring ICT tools quality. Developing a sustainable motive enabling instructor to take part in formation and execution of ICT environment. Provide teachers a farther chance to explicate the students ‘ function and topographic point of ICT in the modern society. The overall success of the ICT use can be assessed based on the demands of the educational procedure. There several such demands: Requirements associated with the creative activity of cognition which is interdisciplinary in nature. The demand of the pupils to get the hang the analysis, i.e. state of affairss affecting computations, look intoing and treating the consequences of computations every bit good as development of the generic accomplishments in each subject ( categorization, analysis and synthesis, ability to plan an experiment, collect and analyse informations gathered ) . The demand to develop pupils ‘ originative accomplishments. Such demands arise in work outing optimisation jobs with a figure of possible results – the most rational pick of the most cost-efficient solutions. The demands related to the demand of developing certain personal qualities of moral and societal ( duties towards society, themselves, towards each other ) nature. The instructor ‘s duty lies with optimisation of the ICT use – profiting the most from the engineering can offer and minimising possible negative facets associated with the work of students with huge unfiltered information available electronically. The content of instructors ‘ ICT preparation should be included the following cardinal constituents: ICT and its usage in instruction. Positive and negative facets of computer-assisted instruction. The feasibleness and effectivity of the ICT. Computerization of instruction and its portion in the information society. Types of audio-visual and proficient equipment used in instruction. Computers and their types. Peripheral equipment. Technology and multimedia. Telecommunication installations used in instruction. Storage and presentation of information. Information modeling. Methods of informations transportation. Computer networks as agencies of acquisition. ICT and its function in the acquisition procedure. Methods for measuring the quality of ICT tools. ICT use in schoolroom and in distance acquisition. Customization of larning procedure. Control and appraisal of the acquisition results. Computerization of extracurricular activities. Computerization of research methods. Computerization of organisational and managerial maps of educational procedure. Information engineering and work with parents. In decision, it should be noted that instructors must non merely possess cognition in ICT tool, techniques and engineerings but besides be experts on the application of these new engineerings in their professional activities. In this undertaking the squad did non put a end of covering all issues related to the usage of information and communicating engineerings. Furthermore, many facets of ICT usage in instruction are still undiscovered and necessitate further survey. At the same clip, the content of the research attempted to measure the chief elements and characteristics of debut and use of ICT, electronic informations and educational resources, evaluate demands needed to measure the quality of ICT tools, classified ICT tools and reviewed methods of carry oning the ICT enabled categories, depicting the advantages of utilizing such tools outside of the schoolroom and touched on facets of computerized direction of educational establishments. The research besides revealed that the grea test efficiency of the educational procedure utilizing educational ICT tools is achieved so these tools fulfil the demands of instruction identified in our paper.